Mostly Ordinary Things
The story belongs to the person who can tell it the best......


Rodger W. Minatra

I was born in West Texas and raised in New Mexico and Arizona. After a few years in construction, amost ten years in the U.S. Air Force, aviation technology, and the telecommunications industry (maintenace, tech writing and training & Development), I landed in a teaching career. Over the past 30 years I have taught at the community college and university level and have taugh classroom, correspondance, hybrid, online, and ITV. I am still teaching at the university level, but I making a transition to totally remote or online training/education and using my spare time to draw, write, travel, work on outside projects, and spend time with family. My wife and I have been married for 48 years, we have two married daughters and five grandchildren. We currently live in Illinois.
You can also find some other works of mine on my YouTube site - Mostly Ordinary Things.

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